If you’ve been following us over the last couple of months, you must think we spend every minute running around with a screwdriver and duct tape. Sure, I’m writing this while parked for the night at a dealership waiting to finalize our fridge repair (yay…maybe…we’ll see tomorrow). But that’s not all we do! We do go on walks, hit the pool, see friends, and ride our bikes.
Wait, we did that while we still lived at home. Fine, but look, it’s not all repairs! Ok, got it? Good!
Check out the video! We got to go to Disney’s Fort Wilderness a couple of weeks back! That was a blast (almost literally, as you know)! Sure, I had to do a little AC maintenance. And yah, we had a propane leak that could have killed us thanks to the dealership where we bought our coach.
Still, we had a great time! The kids got to ride horses, play in the pool, and we all got to have some s’mores and dance with Chip and Dale. It was awesome! My oldest daughter, Grace, even bought me a slurpy and a cake for “being awesome!” I like it when “The Crazy People” (aka my kids) buy me stuff!
Enjoy the video! Tomorrow should see the last of the major repairs (unless we uncover another issue with the fridge or something else). Pray for surf! We’ll definitely update on Facebook tomorrow and will write again soon.
p.s. This post enjoyed the blessing of combat editing. Combat editing is what Jenni and I do when we read something I “writed” together. I say “writed” just to annoy her (I know it’s supposed to be “wrote,” but she’s quite annoyed as she reads this, and this gives me great pleasure).
Cool. Cool.